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The GiantLands Saga Index

In June 2021, for my sins, I become aware of a small indie tabletop roleplaying game creating problems by being associated with a company presenting itself as the reborn TSR Inc and engaging in transphobia on main. This turned out to be an incredible rabbit hole that touched upon many bizarre twists. This initially began in a Twitter thread, but that quickly spiralled out of control and become unhelpful as anything more than regular updates.

Given the serious nature of the material, and the amount of misinformation out there – and a deep desire to both not contribute further information, and avoid being sued for defamation – I’ve started compiling and transferring the information onto this blog and created this index for easy navigation and heavily sourced everything I can.

Due to shifts in the Internet, particularly deleting of tweets, social media and taking down of sites – a lot of this refers to either archived or screenshots of the material.

Dramatis Personae

These are updated as I obtain better overviews and ways to communicate regarding individuals. being listed here should not be understood to be a condemnation, many figures involved stepped in with good intentions and were either blinded by nostalgia or just outright deceived.

Stephen Erin Dinehart IV | Justin “York” William LaNasa


  1. The TSR & Wonderfilled/GiantLands Saga – Introduction
  2. GiantLands – The Beginning
  3. GiantLands – Leaving NuTSR
  4. GiantLands – The road to publishing a “finished” RPG
  5. GiantLands (2021) – Review

Key Sources

For those who wish to take an unbiased, independent review – I have included links to the material when available below, and archives when it has been removed. It should be noted that the social media accounts in particular have been prone to mass deletions.

Web sites (archived) | | (archived) | | (archived) | GiantLands Kickstarter

Social media

TSR Games @tsr_games Twitter (archived) | GiantLands @giantlands Twitter | WFD Games @WFDgames Twitter | Stephen Dinehart @SEDart4 Twitter | GiantLands Facebook Page | WFD Games Facebook Page | GiantLands YouTube Channel | GiantLands Instagram | Wondefilled Inc @wunderfilled Twitter