So, the Magic the Gathering1 Wikipedia Magic the Gathering <> drama circles have ignited by a public statement2 Donato Giancola, 26 March 2024, Facebook <> issued by legendary fantasy artist Donato Giancola, calling out Wizards of the Coast3 Wikipedia Wizards of the Coast <> (“WotC”) over the work of their contracted artist,4 Fay Dalton. Personal web site of Fay Dalton <> At the time of writing it has 1.7 k “likes” and 481 shares.

For reasons that are unclear to me… there seems to be a trend to claim a lawsuit is in the works and that Wizards of the Coast will lose because… some hands look like other hands. So, briefly let’s look at the causes of action that people think are available… and how that’ll go.
At this time, I can’t find any evidence of an actual lawsuit. Anyway, my name is Kim, I’m a law student in New Zealand – I’m not a lawyer, certainly not a US Copyright lawyer and most importantly I am not your lawyer. None of this is legal advice and please, do not take legal advice off blogs or assume you have a confidence relationship like lawyer-client with the a blogger.
Continue reading Giancola v. WotC- 1Wikipedia Magic the Gathering <>
- 2Donato Giancola, 26 March 2024, Facebook <>
- 3Wikipedia Wizards of the Coast <>
- 4Fay Dalton. Personal web site of Fay Dalton <>